Customer Service
Now that you have the keys to your new home, our dedicated Customer Service teams will be here to support you with any queries.
How to contact us
To log a new issue, please contact your local Customer Service team via the contact details below. We will endeavour to respond to you within three working days.
If your contact relates to an issue requiring emergency assistance (eg total loss of heating or hot water) during office hours, please contact your local Customer Service team.
Should you have an emergency situation outside of normal office hours (between 5pm and 9am weekdays or at the weekend), please telephone 0345 601 6084. This telephone line will not be operational during normal office hours.

Help and support
Contact our Customer Service teams from 9am-5pm Mon-Fri:
Barratt West London
0208 799 4150
Barratt East London
0208 522 2800
We are committed to making it easier for you to communicate with us. Please let us know if you require any specific help or support, so that we are able to provide you with the best service we can.

Our after sales service
Every care has been taken to ensure your home is ready for you, however, there can occasionally be some minor issues that only become apparent once the home is lived in. These are known as snags and are covered by the two year warranty.
If you identify any snags, or believe something could be a snagging issue, please contact our New Home Customer Care team. They will log the details and either arrange for a repair, ask for photos to help diagnose the issue or in the event it’s more complex, they may arrange for somebody to come and inspect in order to confirm the next steps.
Under normal circumstances, we expect to resolve most snags within 30 days. Where this is not possible, for example, due to ordering materials with a longer lead time, we will keep you regularly updated and confirm an anticipated date for the repair as soon as we can.
At Barratt London, we believe that everyone has the right to be safe, secure and respected whilst at work. If something hasn't gone to plan, please be patient and we'll do our best to help. We'd like to thank you in advance for showing respect, kindness and consideration to our teams as they work to provide a great service. Any aggressive or inappropriate behaviour towards our colleagues will not be tolerated.
Should you wish to record or film one of our employees you must have their explicit consent. If a colleague is recorded or filmed and that recording or video is shared without individual consent we have the right to remove this from any social channels and take further action to protect our colleagues.
How we can help you
Please click on the link below to find out how to make a general enquiry, a complaint or contact us if you have an emergency.
If you smell gas
Call British Gas immediately on 0800 111 999 (24 hours). For further details go to
Frequently asked questions
Please take a look at some of our frequently asked questions.