When you’re almost at the end of the conveyancing process, you’ll be busy packing up your belongings, ready for the big move. You might have a million and one things to think about, but it’s still important to set aside some time to inform people and organisations of your new address.
Here’s who you’ll need to speak to:
Services and utilities
Gas and electricity suppliers – You need to give them at least 48 hours’ notice that you’re moving. On the day itself, you should take meter readings so that you don’t end up paying for energy the new homeowners use. Water supplier – You should give your water supplier your new address along with the day you’re planning on moving in. If you have a water meter, you should inform them at least five working days in advance. This will give them time to arrange a final meter reading of your current home before you move.
Internet service provider – To move your service from one home to the next, you’ll need to give between two and six weeks’ notice, depending on your provider.
You’ll have to pack your router and other equipment with you and install it in your new home yourself, but it’s usually straightforward. Within a couple of days, your broadband should be up and running, but if you need a working line to be fitted there may be a two-week delay as you wait for an engineer.
Telephone company (both landline and mobile) – For your home phone, you’ll need to give four weeks’ notice. If there’s already a telephone line installed in the property, you should be able to use your telephone the same day you move in.
If there isn’t, you may need to pay up to £100 for one to be installed. It’s important that you let your mobile company know too, so their records are kept up to date.
TV licence – You can change the address on your licence up to three months before you move. If you’re buying a property with someone, and you both currently have a TV licence, you can apply for a refund for one of your licences up to two weeks’ before you will no longer need it.
TV provider – To move your services, you normally need to give at least 30 days’ notice. You’ll have to take your current equipment with you (apart from the satellite dish) and your TV provider will arrange for an engineer to get you up and running.
Banks and building societies – You can do this in branch, via online chat, by letter or over the phone. Any change will be immediate unless you apply by letter, which can take three to five days from posting. Credit card and loan companies – Some don’t allow you to notify them of a change by post, so you may be best calling them directly. You don’t want your address to be wrong as this will show on your credit records, which are used by lenders to calculate your credit score when you apply for any form of credit.
HMRC – A change of address counts as a change in circumstances, so it's imperative you inform HMRC of your move. You can do so online and they will update your Income Tax and National Insurance, tax credits and benefits (including Child Benefit) and services (including the Pension Service) automatically.
Local Council – Whether you’re staying within your borough or moving out of the area, you need to let your council know. You can usually update your address using an online portal and they will update all council-run services (e.g. the library) too.
National savings and premium bonds – If you’re already registered, you can log into their website or call to change your address. Otherwise, you’ll need to complete a form and post it back.
Pension companies – The quickest way is to use the pension company’s online self-service option but alternatively, you can change your details via email, phone or by letter.
Solicitor – They should already know that you’re moving, and the dates, but it’s worth double-checking.
Your employer – You don’t want your payslips or other correspondence to come to the wrong address, so let them know ASAP.
Dentist and doctor – A quick phone call should suffice, whether you’re planning on staying at the same surgeries or moving to new ones. Midwife/health visitor – If you’re expecting or have a young child, let your midwife or health visitor know a few weeks before you move.
Optician – A quick call will allow them to update their records so reminder letters go to the right address.
Private healthcare company – Most will allow you to update your address online. Or you can call or write to them if you prefer.
Car breakdown recovery company – The quickest way to do this is online. If you’re not the lead member, they must do it instead. Car insurance company – If you don’t update your address, your insurance will be invalid. You may be charged an administration fee and depending on where your new property is located, you may have to pay extra to keep your car insured, as your policy was based on your previous address.
Driving licence – You can change your address online in just a few minutes and a new driving licence will be sent to you for free. If you fail to do this, any correspondence will be sent to your old address.
Vehicle registration – Make sure you also update your address on your vehicle log book (V5C), as failing to do so can lead to a fine of up to £1,000.
Car tax – You need to tell the DVLA when you change your address to make sure your driving license, vehicle log book and vehicle tax are updated.
Miscellaneous - As well as the above, you’ll also need to contact the charities you support, any clubs you’re a member of, family members, friends and neighbours. If you have a pet that’s microchipped, you’ll want to update your address in the pet microchip database. If you have children in education, or you’re currently studying yourself, you’ll need to let your schools, college or university know of your address change.