We don’t always think about it, but packing up your clothes when moving home can be stressful. You prepare yourself to start and then more and more items begin to appear. You question whether you’ll ever wear something again and just can’t bear to throw anything out.
To help you pack effectively here are seven essential tips for packing clothes.
1. Be organised
This includes getting your packing preparation done as early as possible – no one wants to be finishing off on moving day. It also means getting your moving materials well in advance, whether that’s cardboard boxes, wardrobe boxes or vacuum packs. A key part of being organised is properly detailing boxes, and you might include what’s in each one as well as the room they’ll go in at the new home.
2. Be ruthless
Now is the time to be ruthless and get rid of those clothes you no longer need or wear. Do this for yourself and any other family members, and you’ll soon cut down on any unnecessary clutter. You might choose to give them to a friend or to charity, depending on what condition they’re in.
3. Question yourself
Saying you’re going to be ruthless with your clothes is one thing. Actually doing it is another. Now’s the time to question yourself and ask whether you really need something. Is there a reason you’re holding onto an item? Do you really think you’ll ever wear it again? Being honest with yourself at this stage will help you with a proper clear out.
4. Use clothes wisely
If you’re packing into cardboard boxes, use certain clothes wisely. Put socks in shoes and pack in with other smaller items for padding and to help them retain their shape. Twisting rather than folding items will help you make more of the room you have.
5. Take care when you need to
Twisting and folding might be fine for your everyday items, but it doesn’t cut it when it comes to your favourite luxury or designer clothes. When carefully packing these, invest in some wardrobe boxes or investigate vacuum packing. Tissue paper is your friend when dealing with these items.
6. Use what you have
It makes sense to use any suitcases, holdalls or larger bags you already have rather than just using cardboard boxes. They may be easier to transport in the move and you can assign them to specific people or items. Just remember to label them for ease of unpacking at the other end.