How your heating system works
Your new home has a heating and hot water system that normally includes an air source heat pump or a boiler/cylinder with radiators, pump and controls. Water heated by the air source heat pump or boiler passes through pipes, concealed in walls and under floors, to the radiators and taps.
Types of central heating system
The main types of system use either an air source heat pump or a conventional/combi boiler, though some homes may have district heating. If you’re not sure what kind of system you have, you can find out in our what kind of heating do I have guide.
Air source heat pump
Air source heat pumps extract thermal energy from the outside air and convert this into heating and hot water for your home.
To get the best from your new heat pump heating system, the controls and settings are really important. Your installer will have already set up the detailed control setting for your home, it’s important that you do not change these settings as they will impact the operation of your heat pump and heating system.

When it comes to time and temperature control, this is something you can control yourself (please refer to the manufacturer’s operating manual) we recommend that heat pump systems are not turned off completely, this is because they operate more efficiently over long periods. Constantly turning it on and off can lead to increased energy costs and reduced lifespan.
Conventional boiler system
In a conventional boiler system, water heated by the boiler is stored in a pressurised tank or ‘cylinder’, from where it is piped around your home as needed. The cylinder thermostat can be used to adjust the water temperature.

Combi boiler system

District heating
This brings steam or hot water from an outside energy source into your home. You’ll have a small unit (orheat interface unit/HIU) in your kitchen that can be used like a boiler.
Programming your heating system
Controlling your heating
Air source heat pump controls
The temperature of your Air Source Heat Pump system can be controlled using the control panel in your home (please refer to the handover guide/manufacturer’s operating manual for assistance). We do not recommend switching the system off, a heat pump runs more efficiently over longer periods. Constantly turning it on and off can lead to increased energy costs and reduced lifespan.
Zoned central heating
Zoned central heating means you can set different temperatures in separate parts of your home, or have the heating set to come on at different times in different areas, to suit your lifestyle. In larger homes where this is fitted you’ll find two separate programmers on walls in different areas of the house.

You can regulate the temperature of your home’s central heating by using wall-mounted thermostats.
Once your thermostat is set it will activate your radiators, allowing you to regulate the temperature in each room using the thermostatic radiator valves (TRVs).
Let the whole house warm up for an hour and then check the temperatures in each room. You can then adjust the TRVs up and down to suit.
Another way to regulate the temperature in specific areas of your home is with the thermostatic valves on your radiators. These will only be found in rooms that don’t have a wall thermostat.
By using TRVs you can control the temperature of individual radiators.
TRVs are not on radiators in rooms which have a thermostat present. This is because the thermostat measures and controls the temperature within the room and therefore there is no need for a TRV.
There will also be a frost setting marked * .When the heating is switched on, the valve will automatically open when the surrounding temperature drops below a certain temperature, which is set by the manufacturer.

TRVs are attached to the side of the radiator and alter the flow of hot water depending on the room’s temperature.
To set your TRV:
- Set your thermostat to the required temperature.
- The TRV will be numbered one to five, with one being the coolest setting and five the hottest. It’s best to set most of your TRVs to three, but set your bedrooms at two.
- There will also be a frost setting, marked ‘*’. When this is set the valve will automatically open when the surrounding temperature drops to 7C.
- Let your whole house warm up for an hour and then check the temperatures in each room. You can adjust the TVRs up or down to suit.
- If you want a room to heat up fast it’s best to turn up the TRV in that room, but if you want it to get generally warmer turn your thermostat up.
- Always ensure radiators are not blocked by curtains or furniture, as this will affect their performance.
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