Moving home is an exciting and busy time, and most people will do it at some point. But it can be easy to get caught up in the process and forget to do the little things, like dealing with your utilities when moving house. Here's a step-by-step guide to ensure you plan accordingly.
Key Takeaways
Before you move
• Consider your options
• Contact your energy supplier
• Take meter readings on moving day
After you move
• Find out who supplies energy for the home
• Contact the supplier
• Compare suppliers to make sure you're on the best tariff
Gas and electricity
Before your move-out date, be sure to contact your current gas and electricity supplier to inform them of your move. You should give them at least 48 hours' notice. Take final meter readings on the day you move out and give your supplier a forwarding address for your final bill payment.
In your future home, you will need to set up gas and electricity on a new tariff. You may choose to stay with the same supplier or shop around for a better deal. Confirm your move-in date, and set this as the start date for your new tariff.
Broadband and moving house
You don't have to start from scratch with your broadband when you move to a new house. If your current internet provider is available at your future address, you can take your router to your new home – just inform your provider so that they can activate the service for you.
If your current broadband provider isn't available at your new address, you will have to set up another account with a different provider. Just be sure to cancel your account with the old provider so you don't get charged.
Setting up water in a new house
To set up water at your new house, contact your local supplier and create an account with them. Provide them with a reading from your new water meter so that they can bill you correctly for your water usage.
If you are moving to a house with the same water provider as your old address, inform them of your move two weeks before.
Even if you stay with the same energy supplier, your tariff will likely change due to the size of your new home. You may choose to stay with the same supplier, but you will need a new tariff for your home.
Contact your energy supplier, water supplier and internet provider before you move. If you have online accounts with any of them, you can inform them of your move or cancel your account online.
You should notify your current gas and energy suppliers of your move as soon as possible. You should give at least 48 hours' notice, but we suggest you give them up to two weeks' notice to provide plenty of time to set up new tariffs at your future home.Explore our wide range of brand-new, energy-efficient properties across the UK and fantastic offers to help you get moving.Call our Sales Advisers today to learn more.