
Moving Day: Top Tips For a Stress-Free Move

Oct 12, 2023
Moving with a toddler
Moving day is finally here! While it’s an exciting time, moving can be stressful, so we've put together some tips to help you get through it. From packing the last few things to creating a safe space for your family, here's everything you need to know for a smooth move.

Top moving house tips

Our top tips for moving house include:

• Make a to-do list
• Pack the last few things
• Keep the essentials with you
• Check your utility meters
• Create a space for pets and kids
• Stock up on snacks
• Have a walk around
• Relax!

1. Make a to-do list

To-do lists can help you get organised. Write down everything that still needs packing, paperwork that needs sorting and anything else you have left to do. Tick off each item as you work your way through the list until everything is complete.

2. Pack the last few things

You will have packed most of your belongings by this point, but if anything is left out, now is the time to store it. Label each box with the room it’ll be unpacked in, and note if any boxes contain fragile or valuable items.

If you've booked a removal company, ensure all boxes are ready for when they arrive. Once in your new home, check that there's no damage to your belongings.

3. Keep the essentials with you

We recommend packing a box with essentials, including cleaning supplies, relevant documents and some first night must-haves.

4. Check your utility meters

Note down meter readings in your old and new home, including water, electricity and gas.

5. Create a space for pets and kids

If you're moving with your family or have pets, create a safe space to help them settle in. You could have a dedicated room for them to play in while you're busy unpacking.

6. Stock up on snacks

Moving day can be tiring, meaning you'll need plenty of energy. Make sure to stock up on snacks and drink plenty of water throughout the day.

7. Have a walk around

Have a walk around your new home to get a feel for it. Ensure everything is up to scratch and note if something isn't.

8. Relax!

And now, some well-deserved rest. Toast to a new beginning and enjoy your home.

If you're a first-time buyer, we have unique home buying offers to help you get on the ladder. Existing homeowner? We have schemes for you, too, including Movemaker and Part Exchange.

Explore our range of new build homes across the UK and make your move with Barratt Homes today.