
Interior inspiration: Decorating a big house

May 04, 2018
Interior inspiration: Decorating a big house

Moving house is always a challenge, especially if you’re upsizing from a smaller home.

If the house you’re moving to is especially big - with larger spaces and more bedrooms - how should you tackle the task of decorating? If you’re unsure exactly where to start, here’s a plan of action especially for you.

Tackle your decorating project room by room

Whether your rooms have large dimensions or you simply have lots of bedrooms and spaces in your house, it’s important to come up with a clear plan of attack.Choose which room you’re going to start with, and focus on that space until it’s complete. Only when it’s a usable, comfortable room should you move on to the next, so the project is broken down into smaller, more manageable chunks.

Create room divisions and embrace quirky layouts

Big rooms are perfectly designed for interesting layouts and divisions, so unleash your inner interior designer and be imaginative with the way you use your space.If you’re unsure where to begin, Pinterest is a great place to gain some inspiration, with fabulous ideas for furniture layouts, reading nooks, partitioning and more.


Incorporate warmer colours

While warm colours are generally a no-no for small spaces, big houses often benefit from yellow, orange and red hues that bring a cosiness to the rooms.Warm lighting also helps to make big rooms feel more comfortable, so don’t shy away from more vibrant tones for the walls and soft furnishings. If you’re not a fan of in-your-face colours, you can incorporate a splash of bright hues with scatter cushions, curtains and ornaments.

Go two tone on your walls

With a bigger surface area to cover, you have more space to get creative when it comes to painting a big house.Creating hero walls are a great way to make the most of your wall space, while bringing depth and interest to the decor. White and slate grey work well together, while other great colour pairings include white and pastel green, and two shades of contrasting blue.


Hang plenty of pictures on the walls

In a big house you’ll have plenty of wall space to cover, which is the perfect opportunity for displaying your favourite pictures and artwork.From art prints to wedding photos, make the most of the walls by hanging plenty of frames, or even creating your own feature display. Mismatch your frames for a vintage feel, or go ultra-modern with matching black or white frames.